I am a new woman today, and not because I was able to shower for the first time in 3 days or because I now know that I can be awake for 31 hours and then give birth to a baby (please allow me to tell you the birth story some time later, when I’m not in a drafty hospital gown).
I am a new woman because of him:
Introducing Nugget cum O’Baby! Angel face seems to be a well suited moniker also. He’s got his dad’s family’s lips and my cheeks (someone said), but I just think he resembles heaven.
DanO actually got about 7 hours of sleep last night after we had been up for 43 hours straight. Fortunately, he was able tune out O’Baby’s¬† tiny, precious cooing noises.
I, on the other hand, stared at him intently for about 7 hours.
You guys, I would not trade him for the world.
And I would take baby holding forearms over drywall dust-covered ones any day.
He is adorable and I’m so proud of you two!! I get choked up looking at these pics. So precious. Can’t wait to meet him!
Gush, gush gush! Long distance longing for pictures assuaged. Thank you.
Ohhh he is so precious Allison!! Congrats! Can’t wait to hear the birth story :-) Enjoy your new little family!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is adorable!!
Congrats to you! What a handsome little boy!!! And way to go momma–that whole preggo thing and labor is hard work!
Yippy Skippy!!!
Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy!! Motherhood is such an amazing joy!
What an adorable mother you make! I am so happy for you and Dan!
Congratulations! That last picture made me choke up. What a sweet, precious, little baby boy you have. God is so good.
(Can’t wait to hear the birth story. But you’re right — it’s tough to write when you are half-naked.)
Ok, this may seem a little odd because you don’t know me, but I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! I stumbled to your blog with a whole herd of others, I’m sure, from MckMama’s Not Me! Monday a few weeks ago and I’ve been reading ever since. I think that your blog is just adorable and it has been made even more so with your new addition!
Thank you for sharing and enjoy him :) New babies are so precious and I have a special affinity for baby BOYS as I have 2 of them myself.
Congrats again and I’m sorry if I creeped you out with the out of the blue comment!
Oh my goodness! He is so amazingly precious! Congratulations! I will be praying for your new little family! I am so glad Micah is here and healthy and perfect! I know you will make an amazing Mommy!
-all my love and prayers
kelsey :)
We are so happy for you guys! Micah is the cutest baby, and we’re glad he is healthy and quiet!!!! lov you guys! =) <3!!!!!
So sweet! I’m so happy for you all!
Congratulations! He is beautiful!
congratulations! micah is so beautiful and i can’t wait to see lots and lots of pictures!