we’ve got spirit, yes we do

Heads up, Nugget. DanO has upped the ante in the great laundry room race of 2009.


I could be mistaken, but I do believe that is sheet rock. on.my.walls.

Which makes them, you know, walls.


Walls in the traditional sense, that is.

We like traditional around here.

We like our walls sheet rocked, our summers hot, and our meatballs Swedish.


We also like our laundry rooms beautiful, and beautiful

robin’s egg-painted laundry rooms need walls.


And chairs.

For pregnant, cheerleading wives, of course.

img_4082This very pregnant, cheerleading wife would be 100% ok with either winner at this point


is cheering wholeheartedly for DanO.

3 Responses to “we’ve got spirit, yes we do”

  1. Ran

    Go Dan. Go go! Go Dan!! You can do it! Whooooooooo!!! *much waving of pom-poms*


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