30 months ago

30 months ago, to the day, I woke up at 6:15am with a very, very upset stomach. I gave a $5 bill to my friends (who happened to be sleeping on my floor) and asked them to drive my car to a Walgreens to get me some pink yucky liquid for my tummy.

Then I took a shower. A gloriously relaxing shower. It ranked up there with the first post-partum bath as far as hygiene therapy goes. After getting out of the shower, I was greeted by Ms. Coffee herself, who came bearing gifts in white cups with post-consumer product sleeves. I savored mine.

What proceeded was a morning filled with fussing and decision making and shoe scuffing and primping (I mostly forgot about the ‘eating’). I spent it surrounded by my best friends from various stages in my life, all of whom I love very much. It was surreal, and it was likely the last time this side of heaven that I will get to be with all of them at the same time.

And then, at 2:30pm I walked, crying, arm in arm with my father down the aisle toward the love of my life.


7 Responses to “30 months ago”

  1. Sarah

    I mean, happy anniversary *of sorts*. I knew the whole “30 months” thing didn’t add up to a certain number of years! What can I say, I never was good at math!! ;)

  2. Lainers

    Oh yeah…and I’d basically just learned to drive a manual…Laura would probably tell you that was an interesting morning errand. :S A fun walk down memory lane!!


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