and so it begins

I could be talking about receiving my first ever rude and judgmental comment from a complete stranger on my blog yesterday, but I’m not.

I’m talking TEETH, PEOPLE. We have a visual on OBaby’s first tooth!* It’s teeny-tiny (so much so that no amount of effort on my part could adequately capture it with a camera) and peeking through his lower gums on his right front. We’ve entered a realm where binkies get chewed on instead of sucked and every. single. thing. he gets his hands on goes in his mouth to get gummed and slobbered. Did I mention the drool? It’s epic. Although, to some extent it was a pre-existing condition.

I remember my senior year of high school when my wisdom teeth were coming in, I was desperate for relief. I tried gnawing on pencil erasers in history class and sucking on ice cubes whilst writing research papers. I remember having the thought “Boy, if this is what babies go through, I totally get it”. Two of the teeth came in fully, only to be pulled one year later with the other two which was an awesome day filled with eating Jamba Juice with a spoon, watching the Notebook with my best friend, and being so drugged up and groggy that I could not accurately recall the date. I’d take that over teething any day.

And so, as OBaby stands on the cusp[id] (tee hee! snort snort! I made a teeth joke!) of  practically being an adult, what with teeth and all, I am comforted to know that this strange baby who has been living in my baby’s body is in fact the result of that tiny little white thing in his gums and not anything I have (or haven’t) done.

Now I’m totally craving Jamba Juice.

*This would go a long way to explain the uncharacteristic, uncontrollable crying that brought both DanO and I to our wits’ ends Sunday night. Nice to have some closure.

3 Responses to “and so it begins”

  1. Allison the Roommate

    I can’t find the rude comment. Come on, lady, the people need some drama!! :)

  2. Kelly @ Love Well

    I got my wisdom teeth later than yours (I was in my mid-20s), but I had the same reaction: “Wow, if this is what baby’s deal with, no wonder they are fussy!”

    (Jamba Juice was also my post-surgery medicine. I don’t blame you for having a craving.)


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