you capture a story

There once was a restaurant called Mo’s.

They made the best New England clam chowder known to man. [side note: I did not know there was such a thing as non-New England clam chowder until I went to college.] I would eat Mo’s chowder everyday if it weren’t for the unfortunate fact that they’re only located on the Oregon coast.

Thankfully, when we were in Oregon for Thanksgiving, we took our son to said coast.

Of course, we took the opportunity to eat at the restaurant called Mo’s.

We pondered the menu and quickly decided to order the clam chowder [duh].

We devoured the world’s best clam chowder in bread bowls all afternoon long, even while our baby slept. Then we devoured the bread bowls themselves, as is customary.

And they all wore their babies happily ever after (while they napped).

The End.


This is part of the You Capture Challenge hosted by the wonderful Beth of I Should Be Folding Laundry.

26 Responses to “you capture a story”

  1. Megan Tarry

    I too love Mo’s and had it every summer when we would come to Oregon. I actually haven’t been since I moved to Portland in August, but your photos certainly inspire me to head that way.

  2. Jade @ No Longer 25

    Great post, I’m glad that you still enjoyed the clam chowder whe you went back, sometimes I worry when I got back somewhere I loved it won’t be as good as I remember. THe beach looks gorgeous, we are so lucky here to live near the coast.

  3. Heidi

    I have never seen clam chowder served in bread bowls, but I want some! That just looks delicious. What a perfect way to spend an afternoon. You look so happy. Beautiful pics.

  4. colleen

    Great shots! I particularly love the two beach shots. I’ve never been a clam chowder fan, but I wouldn’t mind heading out to Mo’s and giving it a try. I miss the beach.

  5. Sarah

    I just love that last photo! Such a sweet picture! Glad you got to have some chowder. That’s how I feel about gumbo. It’s only done right at this one little place in Louisiana!

  6. Laura

    So random – but I was raised in Arkansas and now live in Boston, but the one time I went to Oregon – I ate at Mo’s. YUM! really great pictures too of course. :)

  7. Jaclyn

    I love Mo’s!!! It’s my favorite place to eat on the coast. Your post makes me want to take a trip over!

  8. Semi-Crunchy Mama

    There’s non-New England clam chowder?!? *gasp!* (this is coming from a born-and-breed new Englander)

    I love that photo of your sweet little one snoozing in the sling. Great pictures!

  9. Karen in Oregon

    L-O-V-E Mo’s…. YUMMMM…. Now I am going to go to the coast just for some chowder!


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