arriving late to the party, as usual

When does ‘I have a baby’ stop being an acceptable blanket excuse for my lateness? Because I could really use a couple more years of it.

Not to mention that I haven’t showered since shoveling concrete into our new front steps and walk yesterday, so I’m hardly presentable.

But I’m here! I made it (late and unshowered) to the Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

You can learn more about what the UBP is by clicking that fancy button right thur. If you have a blog, you should join in on the fun! (So that I’m not the last one to arrive. kthanksbai.)

For those of you stopping by from the UBP link up, I have a big wet and sloppy kiss for you from OBaby, my nine-month old son.

If you were here in person he says you’d be more than welcome to nom on his baby legs. He’d probably even crawl over to you and use your hair as a rope to pull up on to tell you that he likes you so much (at least that’s what I think it means).

Even though the picture ratio of my son to me is something like 23 to 1, I’m actually the person behind this blog.

Hi there! I’m AllisonO!

Please forgive the staged headshot complete with the string of pearls. I’m actually not that polished or stuffy. It’s just that we took these for my speaker bio for the Casual Blogger Conference (::pinches self::) and they’re the only pictures anywhere on this computer of just me (I’m typically hiding behind my 6’2″ husband or holding someone far cuter than me so as to deflect attention). If the pearls haven’t totally scared you away, there’s more about me here. And when I’m not wearing an apron, pulling from-scratch pies out of the oven then closing the oven door gracefully with my pumps, you can find me covered in the various bodily functions of my infant.

Wait did someone say something about a 6’2″ Swedish husband?

(O look, there goes my son without pants on again. It’s kind of becoming his ‘thing’.) This is DanO, The ManO, the Hubs, or OBaby Sr. He enjoys tearing out concrete, designing this website, and teaching OBaby how to catch cheerios with his mouth. Even though I’m the one with the ‘comfort objects’, OBaby has insane amounts of fun hanging out with Daddy. And also? He can replace a dishwasher like nobody’s business.

So, that’s a little bit about O My Family. I do hope you’ll take a moment to look around, maybe leave a comment or say hi on twitter! O, and as a parting gift, OBaby would like to share with you some avocado.


58 Responses to “arriving late to the party, as usual”

  1. Karen

    Absolutely love your post. I am thinking you can use the kids excuse for a very long time. Mine are 4 and 8 and we just have to use it sometimes. You know….takes longer to get dressed, they have listening issues and keep playing with toys when it is time to go….oh we forgot something so have to go back and get it………..there are many! Love your pics…you and your family are beautiful. And the most beautiful one of all is that sweetie eating in his highchair – luv those kind of pics. I am looking forward to meeting you at Relevant. It was great to party here with you. Have a blessed day!

    • AllisonO

      Thanks, Karen! I figure the excuse will just grow with my children… “Sorry I’m late, I have a toddler/teenager.” etc. etc.

    • Kati Stone

      Awesome post. It got me laughing. Using your kids for an excuse helps you look at the lighter side of things. I loved your pics too.

  2. Sarah

    A quite lovely Allison O,I might add. :) You’re not going to be the last one,I promise. I haven’t even gotten my act together enough to even finish my post yet! But clearly,when a blog featurs a child like yours,who would want to read a blog like mine?! :)

    • AllisonO

      I hope you enjoy the party as much as I am! There are SO many to visit. Wheew!

    • AllisonO

      DanO read this and said to me “Huh. Should I be mad that you posted that picture? I wasn’t going to be, but I mean, this lady said her husband would kill her.” Ha!

  3. Rhea

    Alrighty, then. I love your party post, and your ManO is hysterical, love his he-man pose. LOL Wish my DH had a sense of humor…LOL

    Anyhow, stopping by for the party. Your pearls don’t scare me one bit so I’m off to check out the place. Have a great weekend!

  4. Jacquelyn

    Hey Girl! It’s just me.. but you know I had to stop by for the party!!! Your party was fab (like always!) Have a great weekend.

  5. Jenni

    Oh phew! Glad I wasn’t the last to arrive! Fashionably late, that’s what I like to call it!

    Glad I made my way over, what an adorable baby boy you have!

  6. Em.

    You crack me up, doll. Fabulous style! I have a handy Scot of a husband rather than a handy Swede, but they seem like the same kind of guy. Oh! And! Those baby legs … my word! Enjoy the rest of the UBP!

  7. Petula

    It’s so nice to read about you and see pictures of you and your family. Funniest thing is I noticed the baby legs right away and the pearls! LOL… You’re writing style is refreshing and I’m so glad you arrived at the party. It wasn’t late ’cause I just got there too. :D

  8. Gussy

    Haha! You are so cute, my friend!

    I hope OMyFamily has a lovely weekend. I’m about to sit OMySelf on the sewing chair. xoxo.

    • AllisonO

      Work, lady, work! Can’t wait to do a day on Grand Ave. with you. Now THAT’S a party!

  9. Linsay

    Thanks for visiting my blog! The picture of you nursing your little one is adorable! Nothing more special than sharing those moments with our babes!

  10. tinycandi

    love your party post! i’ve been following along your blog for awhile, but not sure if i’ve ever commented yet. nice to “meet” you! your Ofamily is beautiful!

  11. JDaniel4's Mom

    Stopping by from the UBP! I enjoyed visiting your site. I love the food shot.

  12. Danielle

    I think being late comes with the territory of being a mother! We’re entitled!

    I’m visiting from UBP10. What a cute family {and blog} you have! Thanks for letting me stop by!

  13. becky

    Hi! Your family is gorgeous and your post made me laugh out loud. My son is 15 months and I still use him as an excuse for lots of things – being late, leaving early, avoiding things I have no desire to do…. you get the idea. I suspect that I’ll be using him as my excuse for many years to come! How old does he have to be before people start doubting the 7 o’clock get ready for bed time I wonder……..

  14. Jenna

    This excuse can be used forever! You’re a parent! You will probably find yourself using this when your children are in college (ie “My child called panicked strapped for cash, and I had to talk them down, which is why I’m late!”)! And hey…you’ve earned it! I’m sure you spent a dutiful portion of your life making sure to show up on time, so try to enjoy the awesome excuse when you can! Your family is beautiful. I’ve just started my own parenting blog…I would love for you to check it out if you get a chance!


  15. Whit

    Hey Allison!

    I just wanted to let you know I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. Your baby is just the cutest. I am no where near ready for kids, so I love living vicariously through you! Love the blog, and loved learning a little more about you with this post.

    PS: I don’t even have a baby, and I’m always late to the party. Don’t feel bad! ;)

  16. Ashley

    I just wanted to drop you a note to let you now how much I enjoy reading your blog. I don’t have much time for reading/writing blog entries, but I always make time for yours :)

  17. Sela

    Stopping by from the par-tay :)
    Your boy is about the same age as mine, so fun!
    Glad you got your “job” back, I can relate. When hubby has time off, I’m always a little off, ya know?
    Anyway, stop by and see me if you get a chance at The Youngn’s
    Off to check out the rest of your blog… ;)

  18. Sheri

    I actually found your blog on the Relevant Conference site, so glad I did! What an adorable family you have, that baby is too cute. As long as you’re sure you don’t wear those pearls all the time, I will be a loyal reader. Otherwise, I am wayyy underdressed :)

  19. Mimi

    Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic site! I LOVE the design. I have a feeling you and I were cut from the same cloth. Your sense of humor is to die for. Still trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my blog. Maybe I’m just not as funny as I think I am? That photo of your DH posing is hysterical! Your OBaby is adorable & I love that avacado embellishment! I’ve enver head of The Casual Blogger! Will have to check them out. Going to go follow you on Twitter, too! Have fun with the rest of the UBP ’10 party!!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words


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