O My Wedding

O My Warning: There is an impossibly large number of pictures in this post. But they are wedding pictures, so really you can’t complain. I could not bring myself to cut any more out, so you will just have to ready your scroll button muscles and cope and deal. I am (almost) sorry.


We were crazy whatdoweknow sophomores in college when we got engaged. True story. DanO was 19 and I was 20 when he got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life by his side.

I had always wanted a winter wedding complete with a dress with lace sleeves, snow falling and a cozy mountainous setting for the celebration. In fact, I made a 50-item “life list” in high school and “Get married in the winter.” was one of my goals. Well, I never in 836 million years would have guessed that I would be getting married while in still college, but when you know, you know. You know?

Rather than get married over winter break between semesters (because really, that would have been awkward), we decided to wait until after our junior year of college to begin o my wedded bliss. I picked the SOONEST possible day after the school year, though. So soon after that I was taking finals 48 hours before taking my vows.

DanO was a tall Swedish Minnesotan, and I was a displaced Oregonian. We met and lived outside of Chicago at the time. In other words, geography was an issue. In the end, we chose to have the wedding at the church that the two of us had attended for the last three years in Wheaton, Illinois.

I wouldn’t have had it any other way in the end. (Ok, maybe in the winter, but we just couldn’t swing it.) So close to the end of the school year, all of our college friends were still in town. Family flew and drove from all over the country (and world) to join our celebration.

And what a celebration it was.

{You can watch the video ‘trailer’ here. It’s about 4 minutes long.}

May fifth, two thousand and seven.

Now that you’ve been over stimulated by copious amounts of my wedding pictures, come join the wedding (blog hop) party! Or, just hop around to other people’s beautiful weddings. You know you can never have too much wedding in your life.

30 Responses to “O My Wedding”

  1. Jen

    I just did a blog post myself on my wedding since last Wednesday was my 3rd anniversary! Perfect timing! Also, I only posted a few pictures, since I had a hard time choosing as well. Your wedding was beautiful! Loved your hair and dress! So pretty!

  2. Elizabeth

    your pictures are so pretty! i never get tired of seeing them. and haha, we did get married over winter break, but i had already graduated. but i was also taking finals 2 days before getting married! craziness! :) and i love that we had our reception at the same place. granted, mine was in the winter, so we didn’t get to enjoy the outdoors, but it was still a great place! and your wedding makes me sad that we decided not to have dancing!

  3. Johanna

    Oh, I am definitely going to participate in this! You are DARLING and as a fellow May bride, I have to say while a winter wedding would’ve been lovely, spring is where it’s at. :)

  4. Katherine

    You were such a beautiful bride! And, by the way…there were not too many pictures. There can never be too many wedding pictures!

  5. metta1313

    You do look so young! And I totally heart your love story of being college sweeties and not wanting to waste another minute. And I have to say, that along these blog hops, I’m always drop to the flowers. And yours are O so gorgeous!

  6. brittney

    Oh fun! My husband and I were 20 & 22 when we got married. I think it’s a blessing to marry that young and have (God-willing) such a long life together as husband and wife. :)

  7. Suzanne

    Wow, you are a brave brave bride for making the groomsmen wear pink vests! And I thought purple was pushing it!

    You made a beautiful bride and not just because you’re a gorgeous person – the glow of love and happiness is practically blinding. Love your pictures!

  8. Cameron

    Awesome photos but please, please, please explain that one where DanO is sitting and you are… well… I’m not sure what’s going on, exactly. I must know, please fill me in! :) It’s the 4th one from the top. :)

    • AllisonO

      We washed each others feet during the ceremony to symbolize service to Christ and then each other!

  9. Jessica K

    ok, can I admit to being a creeper. I think I went to Wheaton with you and found your blog through mutual friends and loved it so much I am now a regular. I don’t think we ever met at Wheaton but boy am I sad about that.

    You had a beautiful wedding – it seemed like such a special and touching celebration. Your pictures make my heart smile. You have an even more beautiful family – seriously. Not only are you all lookers (there’s the creepy again) but I love your genuine heart and honesty in sharing.

  10. Moriah

    beautiful wedding! this is such a fun idea – i will need to make a wedding post asap and link up!!! :)

  11. Cole

    You are stunning! and I can see why it was hard to choose pictures – they’re all amazing! I *love* the dip one, and the one where you’re laughing on the bench and the one with your dad walking you down the aisle and, and, and… You can tell how unbelievably happy and in love you are.

  12. katie

    ooo, lovely pictures! i’d seen some that char took and posted in her “L” facebook album, but it’s fun to see more. =) i love weddings! now i want to post mine, too. =)

  13. Katie

    LOVE all the pics! Wish I had more to post on my blog post for the hop! Your colors were GORGEOUS and you just look so in love!

  14. Sarah

    O thank you, thank you, thank for sharing these! I’ve been hoping ever since you posted your wedding video that you’d put up more pictures. They’re so beautiful!!!!!!! And you were, oh my goodness, let’s just say I’m not surprised DanO was/is in love with you! :)

  15. Tiffany

    I’m just coming up for air from my week – and I clicked here first – thank goodness I did. Those pictures just beamed love and faith and happiness my way – exactly what I needed. SO beautiful. xoxo

  16. Joanne

    That is one gorgeous wedding and you do look young and so, so happy. It makes me feel like I got married at SUCH an old age, though! :)


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