there’s always more

I took Old Testament class twice in college. I may have failed it the first time around.

How that for a true confession for ya? I FAILED A BIBLE CLASS AND GOD STILL LOVES ME.

(This is why I could never pull off that holier than thou persona.)

Anyway, to the three of you who still respect me enough to be reading now, I want to share something I learned from my professor (the second time).

The art of lamenting is lost today,” he said.

How true is that? You know all of those lamentation Psalms, or Job’s pleas to God amidst trials I cannot fathom? They are so raw with emotion and pain. I can count on one hand the number of times I have prayed that passionately.

My professor took us through Job’s lament as well as some lamentation psalms and pointed out a pattern.

They start with woes, complaints, ‘supplication’.

Listen to my words, O Lord, give heed to my sighing and groaning.
Hear the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to You I do pray.
Psalm 5:1-2

Throughout the body of the text, the lamenter does not hold back when pleading with God.

Arise, O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand;
forget not the humble, patient and crushed.
Psalm 10:12

But at the end of the lament, the writer’s perspective is always shifted by a truth that is revealed to them.

But let all those who take refuge in You and put their trust in You rejoice.
Let them ever sing and shout for joy, because You make a covering over them and defend them;
Let those also who love your name be joyful in You and be in high spirits.
Psalm 5:11

Quite literally, a lamentation prayer goes from sadness to joy. It may not be joy because their circumstances are changed or their burden lifted (in fact I don’t think that is ever the case), but it is joy brought by focusing on a truth that is greater than their circumstances. God quietly speaks into the lamenting heart a truth that is greater than their sorrow.

There is such beauty in the candor of a lamentation prayer. God, the God of Job, can handle our pleas. He is not surprised or taken aback by our passion. The opposite is true; He speaks clearly in those moments.

I’d like to share a modern day example.

Yesterday I collapsed onto my kitchen floor. OBaby was napping and I was trying so desperately to not feel like a failure this once, but there was just too much. Too much to be done.

And there will always be more. I told myself.

Always more to clean, more to put away, more to cook, more to buy, more to launder, more needed of me, more.



I cried. I could not handle the weight and the endlessness of it all. I was crushed and I stayed in that place with God for a long time.

But then in a clear headed moment,  a truth was whispered right to my heart:

There will always be more.

More Grace.

Praise God, who turns our sadness into joy and always, always grants us more Grace.

27 Responses to “there’s always more”

  1. kim

    Amen. Bless you for hearing that quiet, still voice. It’s hard to hear. I KNOW. I just recently heard it myself. Literally. Like in July. Hm. Sadly, I forgot to thank God for that. He was the reason after all. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you.

  2. annemarie

    Thank you for saying this out loud. I have never felt God’s grace so clearly as I have as a mother.

    I think that our culture doesn’t allow us any room for lamenting, whereas it was acceptable to express negative feelings in Ancient Israel. God expected the people to lament when His prophets told them their priorities were wrong – that was what could save them. But for us, we have to put on a happy face and pretend nothing is wrong, because heaven forbid the public see us at less than our best. It makes it so hard, because then true honesty is frowned upon.

    I’m grateful for the Bible every day, because it proves that God knows that the deepest prayers come out of the strongest emotion.

  3. Elena

    Beautiful. Real. I have so been there with the MORE, MORE, MORE. Way to take it a step further and wrap God and His grace around it.

  4. mama23bears

    Amen. never have truer words been spoken. God gives us just enough when we need it & when we ask. i feel like this so much but when i look around at the mess & the kids, i know that as long as we have love, everything else will fall into place.

  5. Jenn

    I liked this. Just enough grace at just the right time. You always hear about Dying Grace and Birthing Grace, but it’s the Everything-In-Between Grace that we lean on more than anything.

    Thanks for the reminder, friend.

    Also, OT is HARRRRD. It really should be split into two classes…at least that’s my opinion.

  6. Rinny

    Amen sister.

    Isn’t it funny when your perspective changes to that God perspective and the washing the cleaning and the chores seem so silly in the broad scheme of things. As long as you know that the Lord is in control life just seems so good.

    But it is so important to do the lamenting. Otherwise it just sticks in your heart.

    Have you read the puritan prayer book? There is an amazing prayer in there called the Valley of Vision. It is so beautiful. A friend sent it to me via text message when I was having a bit of a valley day. It reminds you of what is important in such a beautiful and thoughtful way.

    I thank God for you and your blog. It seems to give hope and joy to so many others. Thankyou for sharing your life even when its hard.

  7. Tiffany

    Amen. Grace has a way of showing itself just when you think all is lost. It’s “amazing” like that.
    BTW, I’m with you on Old Testament. I went to Catholic Schools from k thru COLLEGE. Took more religion classes than anyone without a collar ever could imagine – and Old Testament ALWAYS was a doozie.

  8. katie

    This is so beautiful and true. God is there and we can feel his Grace when we open to him. Thank you for sharing, Allison!

  9. Dawn S

    a resounding “AMEN.” Thank you for this reminder….I need to hear it, even on/after a good day, there there is always more. More of the trying times and more grace, comfort, peace, and patience to get through it, too!

  10. Kelly @ Love Well

    I took a Psalms class in school (you need to say that P-Salms, because that’s what we did all semester; why ignore the P?), and every since, I’ve been free to lament before God. It always, unceasingly, drives me back to Him, even when I don’t understand or like my situation. It’s amazing how honesty opens up the lines of intimacy for me to sense His never-ending love coming back at me.

    Prayers and hugs friend.

  11. Michelle

    Amen sweet Alison. I too, have been lamenting. Every so often I find the joy at the end of the prayer and just recently figured out that the true joy can only come from God. I’ve missed so much by not realizing that simple truth. Praying for that joy for you in all your struggles.

  12. Molly

    Ah, I’ve been crushed recently with an endless (and I mean endless) to-do list. I have doubted myself time and time again.
    Who knew that being a grown up would be so daunting somedays? Thank Jesus for His goodness and grace.

  13. Alissa

    That was amazing, thank you for sharing yourself…I think all moms have been in the place at one time or another. Know you aren’t alone.

  14. shab

    I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, and I find your writing and thoughts both so wonderful… especially today. How great for you to have had this experience, and then to be able to convey it so well… I was really touched. Be reading you…

  15. Jen

    I needed this. I lost my 18 yr old cousin this past weekend in a car accident, and I needed to read this. I’ve been trying not to lament for some reason, and now I realize that when you’re hurting this much, lamenting is just what Jesus expects. Thanks!!

  16. Rachel Sue

    I had to stop and say thank you. I collapsed in the rocking chair today and could barely keep it together long enough to put the kids to bed. I need to read this today.

    Thank you.

  17. Cristin Vosburgh

    AMEN! :) Yes! There IS always for grace and more love than we can fathom! And….I was the girl in bible school who had to go to what i called ‘alcohol counseling’ because i admitted on my application that i enjoyed a glass of wine every once in a while…. :) hee hee. i think they wanted to make me go more because on the last ‘meeting’ (trying to convince me it was wrong to drink pow-wow) i told them i still didn’t think it was wrong to drink. i’m a rebel like that. :)

  18. abby

    Awesome post! A great reminder to me! Lately I keep feeling so overwhelmed and that is just what I needed to hear.

    Oh yeah, and I almost failed a Christian Living class in college. Sounds easy. But it so wasn’t! I struggled with OT class too! How is it that you can go to a Christian school your entire life and then not be able to easily pass a Bible class in college? UM, because the professors think that each and every student thinks the same way he does and is going to be a minister:) I think with numbers not theories or history… But I did always feel bad for almost failing Bible class! You’re not alone :)


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