My week in PA. Let’s start at the very beginning, shall we?
The very beginning actually involves an alarm clock going off at 3:45am and my entourage (ok, my husband and son) getting me to the airport at a bright and shiny 5:00am, but you probably don’t want all the details of that. (read: the earlier in the morning, the worse the morning sickness. ahem.)
So let’s start instead with me sipping a grande chai in a Starbucks just on the other side of security at the Minneapolis airport surrounded by lovely blogging ladies headed to the Relevant conference. Ali, Maggie, Traci, Amy and I got our java/tea on and ramped up for a day of traveling (which was mostly uneventful, with one very, very small exception).
It is no coincidence that my weekend at the Relevant blogging conference began with warm drinks, smiling faces and flowing conversation. Those three ingredients remained fairly constant over the next 3 days.
Each of those conversations are precious to me, as are the women with whom I had them, including:
-Molly of Pastor’s Wife Redefined
And many other sweet friends (who are friends I have met now).
We talked about faith, churches, social media, babies, postpartum depression, vaccines, house projects, blogging, adoption, Grace, living as Christ calls us to live… and it fed my heart. All of it.
Honestly? I walked into that Starbucks with my rolling luggage at 5:00am weary and leary of this blog. I have been tired. Oooooo boy have I been tired. Like, first trimester pregnant while chasing a toddler tired. I have felt the burden of “I should write today” while simultaneously feeling like I have nothing to share except “O My Heck I need a nap”. In fact, I often did nap during OBaby’s nap times instead of clean my house or write (and O was it ever so good to nap). I was in this funky place of feeling like maybe this blogging thing isn’t for me (which is actually a very good thing to intermittently ask myself). I went to Relevant with a loose grip on my writing here, ready for God to tell me that it was time to close the laptop and walk away.
I was ready.
But what I heard from Him was a very different message indeed.
Since the first day of the conference, there has been one huge message from God resounding like a bell in my noggin:
He is Lord of everything, even a little bloggy thingy on the interwebs. It is ultimately His, and it is for His glory.
While there were entire breakout sessions dedicated to being weary of the influence of social media in our own lives, the overarching theme was use your influence in social media to touch others’ lives.
Instead of feeling like God was calling me to step down and move on, He showed me that this, this right here, is a ministry, and while even (ok, especially) ministry can be exhausting, through it He satisfies the soul of the worker. He fills us up to be poured out again. This is a fresh and much needed perspective for me.
What happens here in this space isn’t a burden. It’s not an obligation. It’s an act of worship. And it is for Him.
{Me, O My Babybump, and the beautiful Erin of Home with the Boys. This is the one and only picture I took on my camera from the entire conference. Apparently I was too busy enjoying it all to be bothered by photographing any of it.}
Thanks for sharing. I am gaining so much insight from all the ladies that attended Relevant and are sharing their experiences. It’s got me examining and assessing my own blogging (and living) journey–in good, good ways!
Hugs to you sweet Allison! Loved our talk! Keep pressing on in your ministry! And maybe, just maybe, I’ll share my postpartum story one day soon. (You’ve paved the way for me!) Oh, how I wish all the Relevant ladies lived in my cul-de-sac and we could have one big block party every evening!
Amen! Love to hear your heart, Allison. Thank you for ministering to me through your blog!
Whelp, I’m really glad you aren’t closing your laptop, because I truly enjoy reading what you have to say! May God keep you encouraged through Him and His people! (And congrats on the baby bump, btw!)
glad you’ll keep up the blog, i enjoy reading! and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Since I had my little boy 6 months ago, your blog has been a regular part of my life. You don’t even know me, I rarely leave comments and yet your words ouch me in ways you would never know, (mostly they make me smile and go ‘uh huh’!). So, ‘yes’ this is definatley a ministry and I am O so glad that you have chosen to continue it! Be blessed xxx
Sorry- not ‘ouch me’, ‘touch me’!!
That first trimester with a toddler is…well, not fun to say the least. I also thought my blogging days were done, because I definitely wasn’t doing much of any blogging! But I’m glad you’re staying. I think you have a story that people can benefit from…or at least feel they’re not alone.
I wish we could have connected more at Relevant than over the breakfast line…but oh well, maybe next time. :)
Glad that you aren’t going anywhere. I really enjoy your blog and love that your desire is to write for Christ.
Amen Sister!! I’m glad that you got such a wonderful message in your sweet, bloggy heart. :) You are glowing Mama!!
And p.s. It’s my “third child-mester” and I always need a nap… ;P
So glad that you plan to continue writing, because you have certainly touched my heart through this blog. It’s been a true encouragement!
AMEN!! I’m glad you had a wonderful time … and I’m glad you’re not shutting the blog down ;-)
{hugs to you} You.are.awesome!
You are so right about the whole ministry thing. Sometimes I wonder if my blog is really part of God’s will for me, or if it’s just my own little indulgence. Your blog IS a ministry! I love hearing your struggles and victories. There are a lot of people out there who are impacted by what you write that may not have the courage to leave a comment because they are afraid of being rejected (I may struggle with this)… but you are STILL having an impact! Sometimes God likes to use us and keep us completely unaware of how He’s doing so. It’s strange, but it’s His AWESOME sovereignty!
All that to say… I’m so glad He’s given you strength!
I’m so glad you’re not “throwing in the towel” on this blog. I love reading your posts! We all understand if you don’t have the energy to post every day! We all need a break sometimes! Here’s hoping your 2nd trimester brings a little less exhaustion! :)
I am glad that you have found your way of continuing your blogging endeavor. I am an avid fan and I love your posts so keep it up. Do not give up because you have fans out there like me who wants to read your every posts.
What a blessing to start my weekend adventure with meeting you sweet and lovely ladies!
I am honored to be on this list. It was wonderful to meet you in person. I so enjoyed getting to chat with you a bit! So much that I left my husband sitting outside longer than I probably should have, oops!
I only have 2 photos and I think you’re right, there was too much good bonding going on to be bothered with getting the cameras out!
When you are feeling burdened by this space just take a break. We will all be here when you get back, ready to read! You’re prego and have a toddler running around. Mama needs some down time!
But, I have to say I’m glad you decided to keep writing! I love that our little ones are close in age and that we are in similar seasons of life! I feel like I can hear you talking when I read your blog. Even more so now that we’ve met! : )
Oh it was so wonderful to meet you Allison. And OBaby? As precious as can be! Hugs to you, dearie.