My laundry hamper, as we speak:
Like how I put the lid on top still, for effect?
You should know that I hate, nay… loath… nay! abhor laundry. I am able to keep up on the cloth diaper laundry because, well, if I didn’t we would be in kind of a dire situation. So really I do a good 2-3 loads of laundry a week just of diapers which often involves a soak cycle. I really am pretty good at that whole shebang.
But clothes laundry? Ugh.
We will get down to OBaby’s very last PJs that are slightly too small for him and probably should be packed away already before I wash his clothes. And DanO and my clothing? Well, let’s just say… poor DanO. We come very last on the totem pole of the laundry room. Diapers, towels and sheets, OBaby’s clothes, our clothes.
I don’t mean this to sound like I just grumble my way through load after load. O no, my friends and readers (who are friends I just haven’t met yet). I simply don’t do them. I put them off until I am wearing the very last pair of underwear in my drawer that I bought 2 pregnancies and a good 25lbs ago. And then I will give in. Usually.
Sometimes DanO gives in first, bless his heart. There are certain things that each of us will just not do around the house until then finally the other one will do it. Call it passive aggressive, sure, but we’ve kind of got it down to a system.
I never, ever, scrub the toilet. It has gotten out of hand in there on occasion, but still I simply will not do it. DanO does not, will not, cannot scrub down the stovetop. I don’t clean up the dishes if I was the one to make dinner. DanO has not once in his life done a load of cloth diaper laundry. It all pretty much evens out.
Except the laundry. Really, I am the one home and able to run down to the washer and dryer to cycle things throughout the day (like I do with diapers and other house stuff)… but I don’t. I really suck at making myself do it.
Why am I sharing this with you? Do I have some sort of new year, new me resolution in which I am determined to do better about washing and putting away our clothes? Have I already made improvement in this area?
Nope. I guess I’m just telling you because I…
need to air my dirty laundry every once in a while.
{bah dum ch!}
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. NOT doing the laundry.
just wait. adding another baby into the mix makes it even more of a chore. i am now responsible for 5 peoples clothing. which means i wash clothes just about everyday & diapers every other. it is one of THE worst chores ever & the one i can’t seem to get anyone else in this place to take over. whoa is me…….
Oh, you crack me up! (and you crack yourself up, too, apparently!)
In all seriousness…I don’t really hate doing laundry. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it, so it gets done. What I really hate is putting the clothes away! I don’t why, but it makes me really grumpy. Especially the matching up the socks part. So the clothes sit in the laundry basket (clean) for way to long and get all wrinkly and might as well still be dirty. Which leads, inevitably, to the thing that I hate doing more than putting clothes away…ironing! It’s a vicious cycle.
I do laundry once a week unless there’s some sort of laundry emergency (someone pees the bed or gets sick). Otherwise I do it Sunday into Monday and take the rest of the week off. I’m considering down sizing to a week’s worth of clothes plus one (well, for the kids anyway….) just to have less of it. Ugh.
This post makes me laugh because I LOVE doing laundry. I don’t love to put it away but I do that part regardless. As I was switching laundry the other day I day dreamed about having a glorious laundry room with all my stain removers and ironing supplies. I think that’s my OCD talking there. But regardless of its never ending-ness I still love laundry. Perhaps I should start a laundry service for friends like you!
My mom is here to help take care of Evan while I’m adjusting to the new baby and she is the laundry CHAMPION. Everything in our house gets cleaned and dried and folded in one day, rather than taking weeks just to get the darks from the bedroom to the laundry room to the washer to the dryer back to the bedroom. The only thing she doesn’t do is put the clothes away…which explains why I can no longer get into my closet thanks to a giant pile of (blessedly clean) clothes blocking my way.
Once she leaves on Sunday? I’m screwed. Luckily I planned ahead and bought my husband more underwear for Christmas.
Haaa!! I could have written this blog myself. I AHTE laundry & my husband usually ends up doing it on the weekends. I can’t help it. I procrastinate, too. Laundry blows.
You’re adorable. My hubby and I are the EXACT.same.way. :-) BTW, what kind of detergent do you use for your cloth? I’m having issues and am SO frustrated!
Hehe! That’s how ours looks right now, too. The bad part? I was planning on doing it today, but a friend needed to borrow our washer & dryer, so I got out of t for one more day. Woohoo!
Awesome! I am the same exact way. I hate hate hate doing laundry. Well, folding that is. I don’t mind putting it through the washer and the dryer, but after it comes out? The clothes sit in the hampers clean again until my husband suckers me into folding “with him,” he does it himself, or we’ve worn all the clothes out of them. I honestly don’t know why we have dressers. lol
If we had laundry facilities IN our house, Mommy would be much more likely to do it before it has taken over… As it is, though, we live in a condo and the shared, coin-op machines are 4 flights down in the basement and it is just. Not. Happening. We went on vacation and there were machines in our room – mommy did ALL of our clothes before we came home!
Allison (and others too, I see!), you are not alone! If and when I do laundry I end up doing 5 or more loads at once just to get it done for a while (and there are just that many clothes dirty by then). The only thing worse than doing that much laundry at once is FOLDING it and putting it away. (Doesn’t happen…)
Sad thing is, there’s only 2 of us…for now. I can’t imagine what it will be like with 3 of us and cloth diapers (we’re thinking of going that route when the time comes). It’s good to know I’m not alone!
Doing the laundry? Totally bearable! Taking it out of the dryer AND folding it AND putting it away? *grumble grumble*…….
I can totally handle doing the laundry. What I refuse to do is sweep, mop, or vacuum. That’s all Joe’s job.
I don’t like actually sticking the clothes in the washer but I LURVE Folding! It’s a good thing too because with 7 people in this house, I have to do at *least* 3 loads a day just to keep up.
ps…the lid on top rocks!
haha, that just reminds me when I had to do like 20 loads of laundry in preparation for the new baby (all of my 1st baby’s old clothes). it never ended!!!
I am so the same! I think I have more underwear than my husband so quite often he comes to me saying that he has … uh.. run out and really doesn’t want to wear the same pair twice (bless him)
Its so silly. Laundry takes the best part of about 5 mins to load and 10 mins to hang but it’s just so difficult.
Glad to hear that I am not the only one who relies on my hubby so much for help with the household chores. I won’t feel so guilty now! I use folding laundry as an excuse to sit down and watch TV- that way it is like a treat. Putting it away, well that is something I put off as long as I can.
Call me weird, but I LOVE doing laundry! Seriously, I wish I had enough laundry to do it every day!:) It’s like my favorite chore of all times…if you’d live closer I’d offer to do yours…hehe! I wonder if that will change once I have kids and more laundry to do than just for two people….hmmm
My laundry basket would look like that right now too … … … except it’s full of clean, folded clothes on top of the dryer. It’s been there for hmm … a week now? So instead of dirty clothes in the basket, they’re in a pile in a corner of my bathroom.
Guess I should get them done tomorrow …
We are laundry -sisters. I LOATH it. The husband cleans dishes, I cook. He does garbage, I wipe down counters and stoves. We split toilet duty but I DO NOT EVER SCRUB BATHROOM FLOORS. Because duh? I’m not the one that randomly pee’s on them. Clearly.
My hamper could totally take yours right now. Up for a challenge? LOL
Listen, listen as I say, here or there I will not do laundry anwhere! Spill or splatter I do not care, I will not do laundry today!
I hate, HATE doing laundry, it’s a never ending process! To make matters worse, my three year old can’t and will not wear the same outfit all day, which adds up to me having to do laundry every other day….ERRRRR!
I used to hate laundry too. When the kids were young I’d put a load in the washer at the start of a TV show, when the show ended, I’d move it from the washer to the dryer. When the next show ended, it was time to fold. I did the folding in front of the TV and stuck it in laundry baskets. My husbands job was to carry it upstairs to the correct room. I tended to do laundry on a Saturday night (I had to work outside the home). I have never put my kids clothes away for them (well, except when they were tiny like yours). And it was their job to bring their laundry down on the assigned day. If they didn’t do it, it didn’t get washed. That creates some problems when your teenage son doesn’t bring his laundry down a couple of weeks in a row. You kinda go from famine to feast (if you get my drift).
Ha! Ha! I’ve adjusted to DOING the laundry. I just don’t consider putting it away part of DOING the laundry. Hubby finally broke down and begged me (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration) to please, please, please STOP USING THE COUCH AS A LAUNDRY BASKET! God forbid someone actually want to sit there, since we only have one.
So I bought some more baskets. Everyone has their own now, so it’s much easier to live out of them than when everyone was ransacking the same basket every day. :)
Haha, my couch is the same way! I tried getting more laundry baskets, but now they are all just filled with dirty clothes all the time and so I can’t use them for clean clothes!! I’m afraid to try getting more laundry baskets for the clean clothes because then they’ll probably just end up filling up with dirty clothes too! LOL
Meh. Laundry.
I don’t do laundry till my sons start complaining that they’ve been wearing the same socks for four days straight . . .
I don’t have a problem doing the laundry, I have a problem putting it away. Because that really sucks.
Ha! I love this post. My husband and I get in this terrible cycle of just doing laundry for the next workday. It’s always a full load between his clothes, my clothes, daughter’s clothes and some random towels thrown in, but I never can get ahead!
This made me totally laugh out loud. I wish I had a laundry room so that I could fold stuff and just LEAVE it there but I am FORCED to put it away. Because my laundry room is small.
Ugh! I hate doing laundry too. I’ve always been horrible at it. If things do get washed, they usually stay piled on the couch instead of getting put away. My poor hubby is always asking if he has any clean socks and underwear. And it will get worse with each child you have if you don’t do something about it now! I have 3 kids now and my laundry is worse, and I actually do more loads more often than I used to and still, it piles up and I’m even worse about putting things away. I do usually fold some things, but they stay on the couch or chair or both and then with the kids playing around, they get knocked onto the floor or whatever and all my folding was in vain….. So if you want to have some sanity when your next little one comes along, I’d say get in the habit of doing one load of laundry a day. Just one every day and it will make a huge difference! I’ve tried it before and actually did well for awhile, but then I fell off the laundry bandwagon. Still trying to get back on! lol
Oh, yes, and it’s a good idea to get in the habit of going through and packing up the kids clothes that are too small for them on a regular basis, otherwise you end up with even more clothes in the laundry rotation that don’t even get worn, but somehow end up in the dirty clothes anyway!! I’m working on that one….