a little less but a lot more

February 21, 2012: 167lbs – 20lbs lost!

Ok, so we all know how stressed I feel about bringing my 9 month old baby to BlissDom tomorrow, but do you know what I’m not stressed about for the first time ever at a blogging conference?

My appearance.

I weigh 20lbs less than I did when I bought my ticket to BlissDom in December. 20 freaking pounds! When I set out to pack clothes for this trip, it was so very different than packing for conferences has been in the past for me. I’m not worried about ‘muffin top’ on my jeans because they’re all too big anyway (except my new black skinny jeans. O how I love my black skinny jeans). I bought 2 new shirts that I feel cute and comfortable in without having to search very hard. I even went out and bought a new bra because there’s no way to lose 20lbs and not need a new bra. (true story.)

I found myself easily able to put together several outfits which don’t make me feel at all self-conscious. But honestly, it’s more than that. I feel comfortable in the body onto which I am putting those clothes.

That’s not to say that I’m done losing my weight. Ooooo no, this journey is not over (not even half over), but to weigh less than I have since getting pregnant with OBrother? O my lanta does it ever feel good.

At this, my 6th blogging conference, I am bringing 20 fewer pounds of weight, but so, so much more than that in new confidence.

My Journey to Health:

February 21, 2012: 167lbs

January 30, 2012: 174lbs

December 30, 2011, 187 lbs

20 lbs lost!

:: :: :: :: :: ::

How am I losing that weight, you ask? Medifast!! If you use the coupon code, OFAMILY56, and sign up for Medifast Advantage, when you order $250+, you’ll receive 56 free Medifast Meals and free shipping! (More details at the bottom of this post.)

Disclosure: I receive free product in order to evaluate and comment on my experiences on the Medifast Nursing Mothers Program. I will only ever tell you how I actually feel about this experience and the Medifast products. Pinky swearsies. I am supposed to tell you that the Medifast Program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness and that any medical improvements noted while on the program are related to weight loss in general, and not to Medifast products or programs. K, you got that? Good. There will be a quiz later.

11 Responses to “a little less but a lot more”

  1. Jessica W

    Amazing! Congrats! Hope to meet you at Blissdom. I’ll be there without my 7 month old. I’m gonna miss him so much but I sure am looking forward to the ‘me’ time!

  2. Amanda

    Yay!! Way to go my dear! Have a fantastic time at Blissdom. I’ll be praying for baby boy to be good to you!

  3. Sarah-Anne

    you go mama! seriously, you are doing SO well in your weight loss and you’re not even done. you are gonna be one hot mama when you’re done :)

  4. Lainers

    Congratulations!!!! So proud of you friend! That is commitment day in and day out, and definitely something to celebrate! Enjoy it :)


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