over on together in 10 today

Remember that one time that I asked you, dear friends and readers (who are friends I just haven’t met yet) whether or not I should cut blunt bangs?

Well, I am sharing my revelations on the matter over on the new style blog Together in 10: Great Style in a Snap. I’m so excited to be a contributor there and I hope you’ll hop on over there and check it out.

Happy Thursday!

4 Responses to “over on together in 10 today”

  1. suzanne @ pretty swell

    What an awesome concept! I’ve been on a mission lately to figure out some QUICK hair and makeup strategies so I can actually leave the house looking human in the mornings. Hopping on over to check out this new site now …

  2. Theresa

    Cute and is there a previous post on your stylish bun? I’m guessing sock bun style? Maybe I need more practice but it’s hard to pull of with layers. Love the look you’re rocking lately!

  3. Molly

    I really love the Together In Ten website, but, sadly, it is no longer working. Every time I type in the web address it just brings me to a blank page. Has the address changed?


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