Nugget had the starring role in my dream last night! It was pretty awesome to meet him, but it meant that waking up was really, really disappointing. Up until now I’ve always been pregnant in my dreams (and once I was in labor, but I woke up before the good stuff), so this was a… Read more »
Allison’s Epic Dreams Category
allison’s epic haircut
I love when my real life thoughts and dealings are played out in dream scenarios. In real life, I made hair appointments for myself and friend C for this weekend, and apparently I’m having a little anxiety about how my hair experience will go (read: if I will end up Dora-tastic again), which has resulted… Read more »
allison’s epic dream does europe
Ok, so it wasn’t really Europe, but there were European cathedrals all around the St. Paul area. My dad was in town and we were going on a tour of all of the mid evil and renaissance cathedrals in the twin cities (naturally). Notre Dame was on the Mississippi River instead of the Seine, and… Read more »
towel monkies
I was once solidly in the ‘Oh my word, pregnant ladies think everything revolves around their pregnant bodies’ camp, and I was confident that all the moaning and finger pointing that’s done is purely an act, you know, to bring themselves a little attention. As if you can really blame your stuffy nose on pregnancy…. Read more »