Baby Gear Category


a graco party in my house

I need to tell you all how much I believe in rear-facing carseats: A whole lot. My 32 pound, 37 inch, 3 year old is still rear-facing and he will be until he reaches the 40lb rear-facing weight limit on his carseat. I’m fully sold out for extended rear-facing no matter that he sits cross-legged… Read more »


O My Babywearing

I got an email from a reader (who is a friend that I just haven’t met yet) about babywearing advice and carrier types. It sent me into a dizzying typing fury and before I knew it, I had written a blog post novel of a response to her. Then I thought, hey, why only tell… Read more »


cloth diapers or bust.

I have an epic wetting toddler. Aren’t they all epic wetting?, you might ask. I’m sure toddlers in general produce plenty of wet diapers the globe-’round, but I have reason to believe that DanO and I hath borne a particularly large-bladdered boy. 5:40am yesterday, OBaby is awake. And unhappy. I discover that the unhappiness is… Read more »