As we sat in the terminal waiting to board our stage coach in the sky en route to paradise last week, DanO and I (along with the rest of the passengers on our flight) watched in horror as the Vice President of this great, resilient, not-easily-frightened country full of brave, rational citizens told everyone to… Read more »
Florida 2009 Category
learning to be home
At 6:25pm DanO and I crossed the threshold of our home without wearing gas masks for the first time¬† in 12 days. It was 12 days ago that we emptied the entire ground floor, packed our suitcases, and went to live with friends. It felt good to be home. By 6:35 I was wearing work… Read more »
a neat and compact little package
I will never again complain about the difficult and uncomfortable things that come with having a baby on board. Ok, maybe not never but I will definitely have a different perspective from now on. This week has been plum full of lessons to be learned. Kindly allow me to impart another. Turns out, dealing with… Read more »
Yes, I am sunburned. Yes, I love the Ghirardelli Cafe in Downtown Disney. Yes, it’s the prenatal vitamins that make my nails so dang long and perfect. Yes, DanO is adorable. Yes, he is more diligent about sunscreen application than I am. Yes, we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves down here.