OBABY! Category


OBoy’s birthday bash {the in-real-life one}: construction themed kid’s birthday party on a budget

We decided that since so much of OBoy’s second year of life had been filled with tools, work permits, and helping DanO with the upstairs remodel (not to mention a few dozen trips to the hardware store), a construction-themed party was quite fitting. And speaking of the upstairs remodel ($$$), did I mention this party… Read more »


a year in pictures (of OBaby)

Because, really, he’s why you’ve been here. Enjoy! January: {I KNOW, RIGHT?!} {ZOMG, solid food!} February: March: {Trip to Oregon coast.} April: {It has not been all smiles. Trust me.} May: {We flew a lot.} {Hiking in Utah.} June: {The beginnings of toddler mischief.} July: {Aaaand we had a walker.} {BLUEEEEE FROSTIIIIIING} August: {In Oregon… Read more »